for today
for tomorrow

The Hope Center of Connersville offers confidential services for women and men.
Our services include STI testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, education, and limited ultrasounds.

Pregnancy Options
If your pregnancy test is positive, you have a decision to make. You are not alone in this situation. It is important you make an informed decision as it will impact the rest of your life. You have three options.
Parenting - Becoming a parent is a big step. We can walk you through the questions you'll need to answer as you consider this option, like "Can I afford to parent?" or "Will I be able to stay in school?" or "How will this impact my future plans?" Choosing to continue your pregnancy and to parent is challenging. But with the support of caring people, parenting education, and other resources, many women find the help and support they need to make this choice.
Adoption - Making an adoption plan gives you a lot of choices. You can choose a family and choose how involved you want to be. It's all up to you. Each year over 50,000 women in America make this choice. Adoption is a decision made by a woman who wants a life for her baby that she is unable to provide right now.
Abortion - Abortion is a medical procedure, so you owe it to yourself to get complete information. Because everyone should have access to this information, our services, including ultrasounds, are provided without charge.
Help Is Available - Facing an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming. That is why knowing where to go for help is important. The Hope Center wants to help you through this difficult time. Our center does not offer abortion services or abortion referrals.
Free Ultrasound - To confirm that your pregnancy is a viable pregnancy, we offer a *free limited obstetrical ultrasound with one of our trained and licensed ultrasound technicians. We will use our ultrasound machine to see how far along you are and confirm that you have a pregnancy in your uterus. Based on the availability of a sonographer and length of pregnancy, we can schedule you for an ultrasound on a future date available. Getting a lab quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound are the first steps you can take in making informed choices for your health.
*Limited ultrasound is available to determine if the baby is in the uterus, measure the size of the baby, and measure the rate of the baby's heartbeat.
Free STI Testing
Some STIs can cause a lot of damage and can be passed to your partner without your knowledge. You do not have to have symptoms to be contagious; you can spread the disease at any time. Hope Center offers free testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, HEP C, HIV and other STI’s. For more information, or to schedule a test, please call 765-825-1244.
Do I have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?
While pregnancy is something to be very concerned about, sexually transmitted infections (STI) are equally, if not more, concerning. You are at risk for pregnancy if you have sex around ovulation (about 3 days a month), but you are at risk for getting an STI every time you have sex. An STI is an infection that does not show physical signs or symptoms. It is contracted from another infected person through sexual activity. It becomes an STI when symptoms appear. It's important to remember that not all infected people will have signs or symptoms.
What are the symptoms of an STI?
The symptoms of an STI are different depending on the infection. Many SIDs don't cause any symptoms that you would notice, so the only way to know for sure if you have an STI is to get tested. You can get an STI from having sex with someone who has no symptoms. Just like you, that person might not even know he or she has an STI. Some possible signs of an STI include the following:
- Pain when you urinate or have sex.
- Discharge from the vagina, penis, anus, or throat.
- Unexplained rash or lesion in the genital area.
What do I do if I think I have an STI?
Treating STIs early is important to prevent more serious and long-term complications. If you think you have an STI:
- Stop having sex.
- Call the Hope Center to get tested immediately at 765-825-1244
- Notify your recent sex partner(s) if you are diagnosed with an STI.

Parenting Education
From the moment you discover you are pregnant until your child's toddler years, Parenting with Hope programs offer the support and resources you need for a healthy pregnancy and confident parenting. You qualify for the Parenting with Hope program at the point of your first appointment. This program is free and it provides men and women with a personalized parenting education program that prepares them for the birth and first years with their child.
Topics include:
What to expect during pregnancy
How to have a healthy pregnancy
Child development
Effective parenting
Newborn and infant care
Raising a healthy child
Life skills
Positive Partnerships
Toddler years
Men and women who participate in the Parenting with Hope programs earn “Hope Dollars” for items in our Baby Boutique such as; car seats, diapers, clothing and other baby necessities. Call our office for more information 765-825-1244
Abortion Recovery
The Healing Hearts program is designed to be a eight week journey through healing for those women who have had an abortion.
The program gently walks them through the stages of healing with grace and understanding to help the post abortive woman understand that there is forgiveness and grace for the decision she made.
This program was designed as a Christ based healing program that also helps the post abortive woman let go of the stigma that she will have to live with this guilt and shame the rest of her life. It is truly a journey through healing and hope.

What is Safe Haven Baby Box?

The Safe Haven Baby Box provides a place for a Mom in Crisis to safely, securely, and anonymously surrender her newborn. Once baby is placed inside the box the exterior door locks, a silent alarm rings into 911 and emergency personnel are dispatched. They then take the baby to the hospital to be evaluated and DCS is called for placement.
Since April of 2016 there have been 76 legal surrenders in Indiana, including 7 placed in Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
Where Can I Find a Safe Haven Baby Box?
There is an active Safe Haven Baby Box located at Connersville Fire Station #4- 124 South Fountain Street, near Eastview Elementary school. There are step by step directions available on our Contact page.
The Hope Center is proud to have taken the lead on getting this box funded and active in Connersville. The Safe Haven Baby Box program is a great match with the Hope Center’s mission of providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support that empowers individuals and
families to make life affirming decisions.